7 Best Vegetables for Your Pet Rabbit

People know that adding vegetables to your diet is good for you. They can’t process food the same way people do, which is a problem. They do best on foods that are high in fiber and low in sugar. This is bad news because it means that many veggies that are good for people are not so good for our rabbits.

Most of the time, herbs, lettuce, and other leafy salad greens are the best veggies for rabbits. Even though you might want to feed your rabbit carrots or other root veggies, they shouldn’t have them or should only get small amounts.

When you think of veggies, you might picture the stalks and roots that people eat. Another type of food that is very good for you is leaves. They are good for a rabbit’s health because they are high in fiber and have lots of vitamins and nutrients.

Leafy greens that are low in oxalate acid are the best. Most of the time, greener leafy greens like spinach have more of this. It is still safe for rabbits to eat greens that are high in oxalate acid, but they should only be a small part of their diet. Find out more about what you shouldn’t feed your rabbit.

1. Coriander

Rabbits are usually very interested in cilantro because it smells nice. For example, a lot of old rabbits that are losing their taste and smell will end up drawn to these fragrant flowers.

There are also phytochemicals in cilantro that can help with digestion, stop germs from spreading, and even lower stress. This plant might also help ease the pain of urinary tract infections. It is also known that cilantro has a chemical called geraniol in it that helps keep cancer from growing.

2. Lettuce leaves

Your rabbit should eat a lot of leafy lettuces every day, like red, green, escarole, romaine, and more. I always give my rabbits a few lettuce leaves with their veggies. Even though rabbits don’t usually like them, most of them won’t mind eating the lettuce after they’re done with the flowers that taste better.

In general, leafy lettuces are a good food for rabbits because they have a good mix of vitamins and nutrients. Iceberg cabbage, on the other hand, is not a good choice. This kind doesn’t have many nutrients that are good for rabbits, and it has the chemical lactucarium in it, which can be bad for rabbits if it builds up in their digestive system over time.

3. Rocket

Arugula is another easy-to-find food that rabbits can eat that is very good for them. As arugula is sold by itself, I don’t have to worry about what else is in the salad. Many salad greens are only sold in mixed bags.

Arugula is a healthy choice for rabbits, just like cabbage. There are many vitamins and nutrients in it that are good for rabbits, and it doesn’t have any chemicals or compounds that could be dangerous. Since arugula is hotter than most other salad greens, most rabbits will also like the way it tastes.

4. Pepper

Basil is an everyday plant that you can get at almost any grocery store or farmers market. Rabbits may really enjoy the strong smell and taste, which makes it a tasty and healthy snack. Mint, oregano, and sage are some other similar herbs that are also great for rabbits.

Many phytochemicals are found in basil, which gives it a strong taste and a lot of health benefits. There are also some chemicals in basil, like caffeic acid and salicylic acid, that can help with pain and infections. Because of this, basil is a minor pain reliever and can help keep rabbits from getting infections all the time. Along with that, it helps keep rabbit fur and skin healthy.

5. Leaves of celery

Rabbits can get a lot of good nutrients from celery. So much so that it has vitamins and minerals that you don’t usually find in food. Some foods, like celery, contain phthalides, which can help lower blood pressure and lift your mood.

When you eat celery next time, cut off the leaves and give them to your rabbit. Your rabbit can also eat the leaves of celery, but you should limit how much it eats so that it doesn’t get too full on celery. In the same way, rabbits can eat broccoli and cauliflower stems and leaves every day as a healthy green food.

6. Green dandelion flower

The greens of dandelion weed are some of the healthiest weeds that we can give horses. They have a lot of minerals and vitamins that help rabbits‘ immune systems work better, keep them from getting sick as often, and ease pain and inflammation. The greens of dandelion may also help a rabbit’s stomach and keep it from getting heart disease.

Odalate acid is found in dandelion greens, but not in very large amounts. You shouldn’t give your rabbit this green all the time because of this, but it’s still a good idea to give it some different kinds.

If you go outside to pick dandelion greens, make sure you know about any chemicals that were used on the grass. Always be careful around rabbits because many of the chemicals and pesticides used to kill weeds are also poisonous to them.

7. Kale

Certain rabbits will not like kale because it smells and tastes different from other foods. However, other rabbits will love it. One green that my Teddy Bear really likes is kale. He always starts by looking for the kale in his bowl of veggies. Kale is a healthy food for your rabbit because it has a lot of vitamins and nutrients and a good amount of protein.

While kale is known as a dark leafy green, it does not contain a lot of oxalate acid. In fact, they aren’t very high compared to other herbs and fresh greens that rabbits are fed. As a comparison, basil has about 115 mg of magnesium per 100 g of food, cilantro has about 10 mg per 100 g of food, and kale has only about 7 mg per 100 g of food. Please note that these are just estimates because the exact amounts can change based on how the plants are grown and stored.

It’s best to add kale to their diet slowly, just like with any other green. If your rabbit has gas or stomach problems, kale might make them worse. So, test small amounts of kale before giving your rabbit a lot of it.

What about veggies that don’t have leaves?

Rabbits can eat a lot of vegetables without getting sick. The leafy parts are also the best for them to eat. They will have a lot of fiber and nutrients and not much starch or sugar, which is better for a rabbit’s stomach. Also, these parts of the vegetable don’t fill rabbits up as much as other parts, so when they’re done with their daily veggies, they will eat more hay.

On the other hand, rabbits can eat other parts of veggies without getting sick. Bunnies can eat the stems and stalks of many veggies, which are good for them. This can be seen in celery, asparagus, and the shoots of broccoli and cauliflower, among other things. They don’t have as much sugar or starch as other parts of the veggie.

A rabbit can be fed small amounts of the fruit and florets of common vegetables. Bear in mind that rabbits should only eat small amounts of foods that are safe for them, like carrots, bell peppers, zucchini, cucumber, brussel sprouts, eggplant, and broccoli and cauliflower stems.

Bear in mind that rabbits should eat more than just veggies. Find out more about what your rabbit should eat to stay healthy.

Foods you should not eat

But rabbits shouldn’t eat all veggies. Before giving your rabbit something new, you should always make sure it is safe. The following vegetables and foods should not be given to a rabbit:

  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Potatoes
  • Avocado
  • Mushrooms
  • Beans
  • Corn
  • Tomato leaves and stems

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