Pet Rabbit Care: 5 Things to Know Before Getting a Bunny

Are you going to get a rabbit? You made the right choice! Are you interested in getting a rabbit as a pet but have never had one before? If so, here are some things you should think about before you bring one home.

5 Things to Know Before Getting A Bunny

1. Do You Have Allergies?

Some people are allergic to rabbits even though they are not allergic to cats and dogs. Some people are also allergic to grass hay, which is what rabbits eat. Before you get a rabbit, make sure that no one in your home is allergic to them. Figure out how you feel about being around rabbits by going to an allergist or a house where bunnies live.

2. How Many Rabbits?

If you’re thinking about getting one rabbit, you should know that bunny experts say you should get two. Rabbits like to be with other rabbits and get lonely when they don’t have one. Because bunnies bond for life, a male and a female is the best pair.

Of course, they should be altered before you pair them up. This is not only to stop them from breeding, but also because rabbits that have been changed make better pets.

3. Kids and rabbits

You should not give a little kid the baby bunny she has been asking for. A rabbit is not a good choice for little kids. Rabbits can get hurt or even die if they are handled wrong, which is something that kids often do wrong. Younger children may be upset that rabbits don’t always like being held and cuddled. This is especially true as they get bigger.

If you have little kids, keep this in mind: a rabbit that is upset can also bite or scratch.

4. Pets like dogs, cats, and birds

Do you have any other pets at home? It is best to bring a rabbit into a home with a calm, older dog first, since a lively puppy can be very stressful for rabbits. It’s the same for chickens, birds, and other pets.

If you’re thinking about getting a house rabbit, keep in mind that some dogs have a stronger urge to hunt than others. It’s fine for house cats and rabbits to live together. If you have a cat, you might want to get an adult rabbit instead of a baby bunny.

Cats and rabbits can get along better, so it might surprise you if the rabbit is in charge of the cat instead of the other way around.

5. What Breed of Rabbit is Best?

You can keep any kind of rabbit as a pet. Size and amount of care are the most important things to think about when picking a rabbit. The “giant” rabbit breeds can get over 12 pounds.

They need more room and food than smaller rabbits and can be tough to handle. Some types of “mini” rabbits are only 4 pounds. Handling small rabbits carefully is important because some of them may nip more than bigger rabbits. Aniaras and other fluffy rabbits are cute, but they may need to be groomed every day.

Rabbits need a safe place to hide in your home when they feel threatened because they are usually prey animals. If you move a lot and don’t spend much time at home, having a rabbit might not be for you.

More Tips To Help Your Pet Rabbit Stay Healthy

  • Protect your home from rabbits. Don’t let your rabbit get to electrical cords, plugs, houseplants, books, or other things they might want to chew on.
  • Rabbits need to use their litter box every day, and it needs to be cleaned really well once a week.
  • Keep their shots up to date.
  • Rabbit seeds are a healthy food for bunnies, but you should never give them too much to keep them from getting fat.
  • If you have to put them in a cage, make sure they can stand on their hind legs without hitting the top of the box with their head.
  • Give them fruits, vegetables with roots, and leafy greens to stay fit. Do not give them treats made for people because they are too sweet and could kill them.
  • A lot of rabbits like to stay on the ground. They are hunting animals, so they get scared quickly and don’t like being held or picked up. They could hurt themselves or you by mistake as they try to get away.
  • Spay or neuter your female rabbit. In one year, a female rabbit might have as many as 144 babies. Be a good bunny parent to help stop pets from having too many babies.
  • Give your rabbits treats like a straw mat or a toy that they can chew on. Besides that, you can make some cheap rabbit things on your own.
  • Rabbits don’t need baths because they can clean themselves most of the time. But you should cut their nails once a week and brush their hair so it doesn’t get matted.
  • Your rabbit will likely poop while it eats, so make sure you have lots of litter pans or boxes around the house.
  • Hay is good for rabbits’ stomachs. Give them field grass, oat hay, or Timothy hay.

Spaying And Neutering

To keep your rabbit healthy, you should have it fixed or spayed. First, it helps keep the rabbit population in check, which cuts down on abandoned and homeless bunnies. It also keeps your pet from getting illnesses like uterine or testicular cancer. Spaying or neutering your pet will also make it less aggressive and take away its desire to mate.

A doctor usually does the surgery to remove the rabbit’s ovaries, uterus, or testes. Even though it’s a common surgery, you will need to be sedated and take time to heal. It is very important to spay or neuter your rabbit when it is the right age.

Where To Get A Rabbit

You could go to a cat shelter or rescue group in your area. These groups often have rabbits for adoption; a lot of rabbits in shelters need loving homes. You can also check with rescue groups that specialize in certain breeds. They might have purebred bunnies that are ready to be adopted.

You could also look for rabbits that are up for adoption in online ads or on social media. If you want a certain breed, you can also look for pet shops.


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